What's new in Xpert-Timer Web?
Here you will find an overview of all changes and new product features
- New: Customers are now processed via a modal dialog
- New: Dashboard: close current time stamp retrospectively (via time stamp pop-up menu)
- New: All list views and dashboard, as well as timeline: open the editing dialog with a double click
- New: An approx. 25% smaller program file ensures faster start times when loading into the browser
- New: Projects are now processed via a modal dialog
- New: Project: Assigning the project manager
- New: Extended support for work groups and work group leaders
- New: Tasks are now processed via a modal dialog
- New: Dashboard: display of open tasks as a list
- New: Dashboard: Display of ongoing projects as a list
Activate via settings
Activate via settings
- Extension: Evaluation: Summation - New summation levels "Day, Month, Year"
- New: Automatic logout when the session expires
- New: Subsequent completion of the timestamp not completed the day before after logging in using the input dialog
- New: New option to automatically query the project progress when stopping a project
- New: "Document management" module available as a separate page
- New: Barcode reader via integrated camera (QR code and barcode)
The barcode must match the project number of a project in order to be found, or it must be in the following notation:
1. Task: T tasknumber
2. Project: P projectnumber
3. Customer: C clientnumber
Example: P 12345
1. Task: T tasknumber
2. Project: P projectnumber
3. Customer: C clientnumber
Example: P 12345
- New: New module for recording project services