Releasenotes XT-Web
Version [29.11.2024]
- Extension: Diverse Funktionen zu Fehlersuche ergänzt
- Extension: Zentraler E-Mailversand über SMTP.
- Bugfix: Sporadische Fehler: Bei Rückkehr aus der Pause wurde ein doppelter Zeitstempel angelegt.
- Bugfix: XTCloudserviceConfig: Neue Option für die Url-Konfiguration "Url automatisch ergänzen". Durch abschalten dieser Option kann z.B. eine Url mit https:// eingegeben werden, obwohl kein SSL verwendet wird
- Extension: Die Erfasste Arbeitszeit kann jetzt gleichzeitig mit der erfassten Projektzeit im Dashboard angezeigt werden.
- Extension: Neue Spalten für die Arbeitszeiterfassung: "Urlaub übrig", "Anwesend", "Überstunden"
- Extension: Die Spalte "Beschreibung" zeigt jetzt neun Zeilen in der Projektübersicht an.
- New: Neuer Dienst "XTWatchdog" um die Funktionsfähigkeit des Cloudservers zu prüfen und ggf. den Dienst neu zu starten
- New: Erfassen und Genehmigen von Urlaubsanträgen (inkl. Emailbenachrichtigungen)
Version [29.04.2024] [New DB-Patchlevel 93]
- Extension: Projektliste. Neue Spalte "Zeitverbrauch in %". Falls eine Schätzung eingegeben wurde, kann hier der prozentuelle Verbrauch der Schätzung überwacht werden
- Extension: Ausgabe einer Warnung wenn die Projektschätzung überschritten wurde. Wird systemweit in der Windows-Version konfiguriert.
- Extension: Projektliste. Neue Spalte "Verbleibend". Falls eine Schätzung eingegeben wurde, kann hier die verbleibende Restzeit überwacht werden
- Extension: Projekt bearbeiten: Neues Feld "Zeit verbleibend". Falls eine Schätzung eingegeben wurde kann hier der Verbrauchsstatus überwacht werden.
- Extension: Tagessummen: Wenn ein Tag nicht beendet wurde, kann dies nun nachträglich über ein Popupmenü nachgeholt werden
- Extension: Projekte: Arbeitsgruppen können nun direkt beim Erstellen oder Bearbeiten eines Projekts zugewiesen werden.
- Extension: Arbeitszeit: Optimierung der Eingabemasken für Handygeräte
- Bugfix: Fehler beim Einlesen der Pausenreglungen "Feld 'maximumworkhours' nicht gefunden"
- Bugfix: Tagessummen: Die Spalte "Tag +/-" hatte keine Summe in der Fußzeile
Version [05.01.2024]
- New: Option für automatischen Neustart des Cloudserver-Dienst
- Bugfix: Verschiedene Fehlerbehebungen
Version [05.12.2023]
- Info:Sichtbarkeiten verbessert
- Info:Eingabeunterstützung für Nachträge und Pause
Version [18.10.2023] [New DB-Patchlevel 92]

Erste Version mit Arbeitszeiterfassung
- Info:Erste Version mit Arbeitszeiterfassung
Version [15.10.2021]
- Extension: Configuration mode "Without project assignment": task list - visibility filter now contains "All" again
- Extension: "Without project assignment" configuration mode: Tasks from the task pool can be started by any employee
- Extension: Text modules: Selection dialog now has a slider to show/hide the public text modules
- Extension: Inactive activities are now displayed in gray in the selection list
- Extension: Barcode scanner: Added option for "Beep when scanning" in the dropdown menu
- New: Open API documentation integrated via Swagger UI
- New: Internal conversion of the front and backend to the latest version of the framework
- Bugfix: If no project assignment is allowed in the configuration, then no addendum was possible.
- Bugfix: If no project assignment is allowed in the configuration, the task pool could not be filtered correctly
- Bugfix: Barcode scanner: error when scanning a barcode of a task
- Bugfix: Dashboard. If no sub-projects are used, the current project selection is deleted when a task is selected
- Bugfix: A % character could not be used in the password
To make it easier for your web developer to get started with the XTWEB API, there is now an interactive API description via the SWAGGER OpenAPI interface.
Can be activated via configuration.
Can be activated via configuration.
Version [26.05.2021]
- Extension: The splitting of timestamps at midnight can now be switched off.
- New: Security: If the user logs in incorrectly 3 times, a 10-minute logon stop is set for the user
- New: Extension of the REST interface for access by third-party applications
- New: REST interface: Extended documentation with examples
- New: XTCloudConfig: Extension of the API keys for 2 external applications
- New: Reporting - weekly view: If totaling according to client, then the daily sums are not calculated correctly. However, the overall total is correct.
Version [02.03.2021]
- Bugfix: Server configuration: If the language was set to "English", no button names were displayed in dialog queries.
- Bugfix: Reporting - Weekly view. When adding an timestamp by clicking on the weekday column, an incorrect date was transferred to the addendum dialog
- Bugfix: Timestamp list. When sorting according to the "User" column, no result set was returned.
- Bugfix: Dashboard: If the right "See time totals" is not available, the "Duration" column must be hidden for projects and tasks
- Bugfix: Add timestamp: If the right "No new timestamps for completed projects" is not available, then no addendum may be possible for such projects
Version [15.02.2021]
- Bugfix: Error printing timestamp list in PDF
Version [28.01.2021] [New DB-Patchlevel 90]
- New: Unterstützung des Patchlevels 90 der Version 8
Version [22.01.2021]

- Extension: Projektzuordnung von Hauptprojekten zu Mitarbeitern. Abfrage ob Unterprojekte ebenfalls zugeordnet werden sollen
- Extension: Projektzuordnung von Hauptprojekten zu Mitarbeitern. Abfrage ob Unterprojekte ebenfalls zugeordnet werden sollen
- Extension: Charts: Umschalten des Charts von Säulen auf Balkendiagramm
- Extension: Charts: Anzahl der angezeigten Werte in Diagramm wechselbar zwischen Top3, Top5 und Top10
- Extension: Charts: Umschalten des Charts von Säulen auf Balkendiagramm
- Extension: Charts: Anzahl der angezeigten Werte in Diagramm wechselbar zwischen Top3, Top5 und Top10
- Bugfix: Wochenansicht: Wochentage im Spaltenkopf wurden falsch angezeigt
- Bugfix: Summierung: Sortierung der Werte nach "Zeit benötigt" fehlerhaft
- Bugfix: Wochenansicht: Wochentage im Spaltenkopf wurden falsch angezeigt
- Bugfix: Summierung: Sortierung der Werte nach "Zeit benötigt" fehlerhaft
- New: Mitarbeiterverwaltung: Anlegen von neuen Benutzern
- New: Mitarbeiterverwaltung: Löschen von Benutzern
- New: Zuweisen von Rechtegruppen zu Mitarbeiter
- New: Mitarbeiterverwaltung: Anlegen von neuen Benutzern
- New: Mitarbeiterverwaltung: Löschen von Benutzern
- New: Zuweisen von Rechtegruppen zu Mitarbeiter
- New: Exportieren von Zeitstempeln nach Excel
- New: Exportieren von Zeitstempeln nach Excel
Version [29.10.2020]

- New: License management: support of rental licenses
Version [19.10.2020]

- Extension: Optional display of the personnel number in the time stamp list and the summation lists
- Extension: "Login" and "Change password" dialogs. Button for the input fields to make the entered password visible
Version [10.09.2020]

- New: Customers are now processed via a modal dialog
- New: Dashboard: close current time stamp retrospectively (via time stamp pop-up menu)
- New: All list views and dashboard, as well as timeline: open the editing dialog with a double click
- New: An approx. 25% smaller program file ensures faster start times when loading into the browser
- Bugfix: Customer / project / task: It was not possible to create entries with a double quotation mark in the name
- Extension: Project dialog: New menu item "Show barcode" to be able to generate a suitable barcode when using the barcode scanner
- New: Projects are now processed via a modal dialog
- New: Support of working groups in creating customers and projects
- New: Project: New button "Get project number from main project"
- New: Project: New button "Project number automatically increment"
- New: Project: New button "Recalculate project total"
- New: Project: Assigning the project manager
- New: Reimbursables: PDF printing
- New: Extended support for work groups and work group leaders
- Extension: Task dialog: New menu item "Show barcode" to be able to generate a suitable barcode when using the barcode scanner
- New: Tasks are now processed via a modal dialog
- New: Task: New button "Recalculate task total"
- Extension: Timeline: If the current timestamp was not started today, the date of the timestamp is also displayed
- New: Support of working groups in creating customers and projects
Version [22.06.2020]
- New: Keyboard shortcuts for the timebar
- New: Dashboard: display of open tasks as a list
- New: Dashboard: Display of ongoing projects as a list
P for projects
to pause
S for stop
S for stop
Activate via settings
Activate via settings
- Extension: Evaluation: Summation - New summation levels "Day, Month, Year"
- Extension: In the event of a transmission / network error, an icon is now displayed in the title with the number of error messages. The error messages can be made visible by clicking on the icon.
- New: Automatic logout when the session expires
- New: To do list. New pop-up menu entry "New Note"
- New: To do list. New pop-up menu entry "New Note"
- New: Subsequent completion of the timestamp not completed the day before after logging in using the input dialog
Version [27.05.2020]
- New: Document list: Change "Folder" via selection box in the filter area
- New: Documents: Add a new document
- Extension: New date range "Free entry" in all lists with selection of the period
- New: Project list, task list: New filter "Project favorites" ("Star" symbol) only shows data records of the projects marked as favorites
- New: Project selection fields. Quick selection from the project favorites (new button with star symbol)
- New: Project list. Open the sub-project list by clicking on the start symbol for main projects
- New: New theme "Plain" in white / gray for iOS
- Bugfix: Scrolling in list views on touch devices (tablet, smartphone) improved
- New: PDF print for evaluation and time stamp list
- New: PDF printing for clients, projects and tasks
- New: PDF print: capture of a signature via signature pad
- New: PDF print: Save the print including signature in DMS
- New: Project list: project status highlighted in color
- New: Project selection: Display the "Project number" column
- New: Project selection: Filter on project type
- New: Weekly evaluation: Quick recording of supplements directly by clicking on the day of the week
- New: XTCloudServer. Multiple installations on one server are now allowed (e.g. REAL and TEST)
- New: Task list: Task category and priority are now highlighted in color
- New: To do list. New column "Changed"
- Extension: Time stamp addendum: Multiple entry via button "Save & New". The fields entered then remain occupied and from / to can be re-entered.
- Bugfix: Enter dialog for timestamp comment: You no longer have to enter a comment to be able to press the OK button
Version [27.04.2020]
- New: Show line breaks in list views. e.g. with timestamp comment
- New: Project list: New column "Description"
- New: Automatic update check with display in the info dialog
- New: Task list: New column "Text"
- Bugfix: Edit task. When saving a task with text format = "Text", the text format was set to "Formatted text with graphics"
Version [06.04.2020]
- Bugfix: Dashboard: Task selection field - task selection dialog does not load
Version [19.03.2020]
- Extension: Support for time-limited use of the XT.Web. e.g. with rental model or test phase
Version [10.03.2020]
- New: New filter option for "customer / project name"
Version [09.03.2020]
- New: New option to automatically query the project progress when stopping a project
Version [05.03.2020]
- New: "Document management" module available as a separate page
- New: Barcode reader via integrated camera (QR code and barcode)
- New: Create new customer, project, task. New button "Save and Open" to open the corresponding object immediately after creating it
The barcode must match the project number of a project in order to be found, or it must be in the following notation:
1. Task: T tasknumber
2. Project: P projectnumber
3. Customer: C clientnumber
Example: P 12345
1. Task: T tasknumber
2. Project: P projectnumber
3. Customer: C clientnumber
Example: P 12345
- New: Rudimentary print function in all list views under Windows in the "Desktop" operating mode
- Bugfix: Week view: Only billable times were displayed
- Bugfix: Login now also supports special characters in username and password
- New: Restriction of supplements and retroactive changes to the time stamp times as in the Xpert-Timer desktop
- Bugfix: Add / edit time stamp: Display error message if project is not assigned to the employee
Version [23.01.2020]
- New: Project list: New column "Estimated"
- New: Task list: New column "Estimated"
- New: Task list: Filter on task pool
Version [19.12.2019]
- Extension: Dialogs are displayed larger in the "Desktop" operating mode (to be found under Settings-> General-> Operation)
Special comments can then e.g. over 15 instead of 3 lines can be entered without scrolling.
- Extension: XTCloudConfig. Any ports can now be entered in the configuration of the Api-Url. These do not have to correspond to the port of the network card.
As a result, e.g. Reverse proxies can also be used to provide access via SSL port 443, so the port (e.g. 9000) does not have to be released again in the company firewall.
- New: Timeline / Dashboard. New menu item "New Service" to record a service for the current project.
Version [06.12.2019]
- New: New module for recording project services
- New: Evaluation - timestamp. Possibility to search for comments on all timestamps
- Bugfix: XTCloudserver: No more regular query of the external IP (via dynDNS)
- New: Timestamp: New function "Split timestamp"
With this function you can split a time stamp at a specific time.
- New: Employees: Search and filter options for the Projects, Tasks and Timestamps tabs
Version [26.11.2019]
- Extension: Customer selection: New filter "Only customers with active projects"
- Bugfix: Client list: When setting one checkbox, all checkboxes were set.
- Bugfix: An error message is displayed in XTWeb if the database cannot be reached when loading the system information